Where’s my water

Help Allie get the steam she needs and enjoy her take on classic Disney tunes in the brand new Allie levels in Where’s My Water? Game Genre – Game Page – Sports; Game Genre – Game Page – Puzzles; Game Genre – Game Page . Get the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler! Help Swampy by guiding water to his broken shower. Each level is a challenging physics-based puzzle . Scarica il gioco DELL’ANNO nella categoria rompicapi! Aiuta Swampy indirizzando l’acqua verso la sua doccia.

Ciascun livello presenta avvincenti rompicapi . Ripara i tubi rotti in modo che Swampy possa farsi la doccia! Scava nella terra per far defluire l’acqua verso Swampy. Il simpatico alligatore non vuole toccare . Get the water to the crocodile by creating channels through the dirt and by connecting the right pipes!

Can you earn the bonus points by collecting . Swampy is a friendly crocodile who lives in the sewers and loves above all to take a bath.

Unfortunately, pipes were eaten by alligators and water doe. Unisciti a Swampy, Allie e Cranky nella loro NUOVA ed emozionante avventura! Il seguito del più coinvolgente rompicapo basato sulla fisica targato Disney è . Creature Feep and published by Disney Mobile, a subsidiary of Disney Interactive Studios.