Sauermann si 1805

La pompa SI 18è stata concepita per essere installata in molteplici condizioni. Pompa condensa con Vaschetta SAUERMANN Si-1805. Pompa Centrifuga monoblocco con serbatoio da Lt.

The Si 18is a centrifugal tank pump for air conditioning units refrigerated display cabinets. Designed for discharging condensates from air conditioning and . Sauermann SI 18Centrifugal Tank Pump for Gas Condensing Boilers, Air Conditioners And Refrigerated Display Cabinets – on Sale at the Test Equipment . Le pompe centrifughe modello SI-18di Sauermann sono delle pompe scarico condensa centrifughe monoblocco con serbatoio, adatta per condense acide e .

Performance and technical characteristics. The Sauermann Si 18pump has a compact tray and is specifically designed to be installed on: Refrigerated display cabinets; Cold store cabinets . Blq2i Sauermann Si-kreiselpumpe 1805.